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Control and drive


"Where are we going?" probably a question that students like us are mystified by. Many of the students I see in today's world lack clear purpose, meaning and drive. They simply let life dictate their presence, and the education system is a culprit of that. Not to criticize it, but you do feel that the system discourages free thought and instead forces you to conform to common goals. When was the last time you actually planned on setting a big goal, and defying all acts of destiny to achieve it? What we lack is an internal locus of control.


Let me define the terms. Person A, a person with an external locus of control feels powerless in the face of life, almost all of his actions are dictated by external circumstances. Think about it, many of your achievements are the result of external influences. You probably wouldn't have gone school if the government had not made it compulsory. You wouldn't have gotten better grades if you were not forced to level up yourself amidst the competitive environment. Don't you wonder amidst a late night exam cram session sometimes, why are we even studying? Is this even worth it?


Person B, a person with an internal locus of control seeks out life himself. He is clear about what he wants to do, and lets nothing get in the way. If he goes to school, it is because he is driven to learn and excel, not just because the government made it compulsory. If he gets better grades, its because he is focused on improving his skills so that he can work himself towards better goals. In both cases, each person is doing the same thing. Person A however feels dictated by these actions, while Person B finds a personal motivation in it. An internal locus of control does not only mean controlling what goes on around you, but also what goes on inside you. But most importantly, its about controlling what happens to you. You have the power to change how you perceive certain things and react to them. Read on.


Why? I believe teenage years are one of the most important years in your life. Not only are they times of exploration and bliss, but they are times that build you up. And I don't want you to waste them. Looking back, you'll regret why you didn't spend them more intentionally. Spending them intentionally means different things to each person. Some want to explore the joys of youth, while others want to drive themselves to ambitions. I will not judge you here, because both are very worthy, high intentions. But all these do not happen on their own.

Today's society places fixed expectations on all students and your life up till the age of 20 is determined. Go to pre-school, then primary school, then secondary school, then junior college. 20 years of your life has a big portion of it dictated by an external influence, and that is crazy. Which is why we would maximize the other times we have to experience what we dream of. Even games, social media, entertainment services like Netflix play a role in this. Why would you sacrifice sleep to stay up and finish a season of Breaking Bad when you clearly know you have to wake up early next day to live healthy?


Developing an internal locus of control starts with being more present, more purposeful. Do every action with intention. Next time you pick up your phone, instead of passively scrolling through You-tube shorts, try determining ONE long video that you will watch on a subject that interests you. Most of the time, these longer videos have more information condensed into them, and they provide you more meaning because you are actively seeking out what you want.

The shorts are You-tube's recommendations, and you see once again that you're letting someone else dictate even your leisure experience. So start by finding out what areas of your life are externally influenced. For me it was studies, leisure experiences and ambition. Then find a way to cut out the external influences and instead add in your own version of motivation in the action required to do. You can control the input into your brain and the output from your actions.


It's up to you to take the red pill. Please leave any opinions you have about this article below, or improvements you would like to see on Student's Spot. Help a buddy out by subscribing, and sharing this to those who need this, if you think this is helpful. Peace out.

Your fellow student,


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