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How to structure your new school semester for success


This is not going to be like my typical articles. I am going to share a few thoughts on what I think is crucial for getting through the semester. The June Holidays are over, and all of us must have some sort of academic/ extra-curricular goal for the upcoming months. I'm sure we have failed many times, but that's ok, keep reading.

Similar to our new year's resolutions, we think a change in EXTERNAL factors like place and time is the best time to plan our goals, only to realize 80% of us almost fail to fulfill it. While these physical factors do have temporary changes on your mind, what you have to change is your INTERNAL factors, your mindset. I could get eager seeing all the new schoolbooks on my table, but a month into the semester and its a dull monotonous drag. The only way out is a mindset shift, because as we mature, I believe many of us reside in this internal mind space. Try to be aware of it, and learn how your mindset affects your actions.

Our mindsets

Think about it, many of our actions are defined by our values, and our values are defined by thoughts. Whenever you are free, you drift off into this realm of contemplating existence (slightly melodramatic, yeah), and you learn that almost 90% of the actions you do are a result of your internal state of mind. Angry, anxious, curious, critical, arrogant, focused, to name a few examples. Sometimes, external factors do play a part. What is inputted into our minds is not always in our control, but what we can output as a human being is, I believe, definitely within our control.

So here's the key to pushing past the school semester. How willing are you to keep your state of mind in control, REGARDLESS of the situation? You're grades could be rock-bottom, you have family problems going on, you're struggling with extra-curriculars and time management, and you are lost on what to do. Its in moments like these you need to know that negativity all cease one day. Just keep reminding yourself in hardships that ahead is a prize so great. Maybe you could feel behind your classmates academically, but I need you to believe this: Putting in effort consistently every single day, no matter how I feel, will ALWAYS guarantee success.

Not to say you must break yourself doing so, because we do not want to get burnt out. I'm not saying you should stretch yourself till breaking point, I want to emphasize that consistency, determination and perseverance are essential character traits you have to develop to push for what you aspire. That was philosophical, so here are some concrete tips that you CAN use for the school semester.

Tips to structure school life

1) Get a journal and spend just 20 minutes reviewing your thoughts of the week; What went good? What did I do for it? What went badly and what did I do for THAT? Is there anything can do to improve the next week? Have I been managing my time well for academics and extra curriculars? Who can I ask for help?

2) Get yourself more associated with the teachers. This ensures your teachers are more considerate about you, leading them to take more interest in your academics. Sitting nearer to the board also improves attention and prevents unnecessary distraction (those troublemakers).

3) Have a good plan for daily activities. Plan each day at least 2 days in advance because before you know it the homework can pile up. Try to be punctual with your homework, and spread out your workload evenly over periods of time. Refer to my article about planning for further clarity.

4) Ask more questions. During the lesson, do not be hesitant to raise queries, feeling that others may look down on your intellect. Some of them may even have the same query, but they too are like you. And if no one asks, no one learns. Do not overdo the questions though. If you have many queries, approach your friends or teachers after class to clarify.

5) Plan for remedials with your teachers. Sometimes you may be flabbergasted by a topic, and after much though you still feel stuck. That's ok. Many of your teachers are willing to have remedials with their students, and you can clarify all your doubts without fear.

6) Be consistent with your work. Every day, at least get 1.5 hours of study in, no matter how lazy you feel. Remember that it is much easier to continue working than to start it. Schedule the harder topics to study first.

7) Adopt healthy ways to unwind. I'd recommend storybooks, the gym, playing OUTDOORS with friends, etc. Try to minimize your use of social media, because it is a time-sucker. The constant stimulation from the endless novel content will make you feel fuzzy, which is why I deleted it all together.


And that's it for today. Really, thanks for sticking all the way to the end, because this is one of the more heartfelt articles I have written. Please leave any opinions you have about this article below, or any improvements you would like to see on Student's Spot. Help a buddy out by subscribing, and sharing this to those who need this, if you think this is helpful.

Signing out, Arshath


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